Saturday, April 25, 2009

Do you want to try new books/different authors?

For all readers looking to customise their reading or try out a new type of book or author, is the one for you! It has been developed to give an enjoyable and intuitive way to find books to match their mood.

Instead of starting from the overwhelming choice of books available, whichbook starts from the reader and enables each individual to build the elements of that elusive 'good read' we are all looking for but don't quite know how to define.

The standard way of organising books for choice, on shelves in a library or a bookshop, or on the web, starts from the products available - the authors, titles, publishers or genres. Whichbook gives you the choice of putting in many variables e.g. unusual/crime/location to generate choices of book that appeal to the unique taste of the reader.

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